Bold & Beautiful: Lorem Ipsum
Bold & Beautiful

Equipped with a rhinestone sword and a mischievous joy when pushing boundaries, Local Drag Thing Lorem Ipsum is the hero we’re holding out for (‘til the end of the night.) A self-proclaimed “heavy metal prince(ss)” with a background in video game design, Lorem Ipsum offers an unapologetic blend of fantasy, theatrics and raw emotion that captivates her audiences in Salt Lake City.
With a name originating from the placeholder text used in graphic design, she’s anything but filler — right down to how she got her start. Igniting her artistic background, Lorem was inspired over time as she supported her friends with their own drag careers. “I thought I’d just be the fun little friend with a camera,” she says, recalling her early experiences in the drag community. But something shifted after immersing herself in the world of drag, and after a few short months, she took her rightful place on stage. Lorem Ipsum’s first foray into the spotlight came at Comic Con FanX in Salt Lake City. It was there, at home in the land of “all things nerdy,” where Lorem and their friend donned dresses made entirely of Pokémon cards and planted the seed that would eventually grow into the Lorem Ipsum we know today.
“I can just do something else…Because I like the way it looks.”

Her quest for self-expression evolved, initially taking inspiration from the divine divas from the 1980s; it’s been a journey of self-discovery. As Lorem Ipsum dove further into who she was, she found herself at a show that was themed around all things dark wave and gothic. With that, Lorem Ipsum began experimenting with white makeup andunique black facial hair, now serving as her signature look and speaking for her. In a world that often pressures us into a box, Lorem felt pigeonholed in the early days, sometimes even forcing herself into fitting what she thought she was supposed to be. Lorem Ipsum reflects on that inner conflict: “Oh no, I’m gonna always have to be like a rock star, I’m always gonna have to be like the goth girl.” She pauses, “No. I can just do something else…Because I like the way it looks.” As Lorem Ipsum has found the strength to be true to herself, she is also liberating her audience from preconceived notions of what drag should be. No longer bound by the bias that can creep into even the most open-minded, Lorem Ipsum embraces all aspects of her multifaceted identity and skill. She even draws inspiration from her experience as a Dungeon Master in Dungeons & Dragons, donning the finest armor and chainmail as she takes the stage. In doing so, Lorem Ipsum entertains and invites the audience to join her in an immersive fantasy story where the lines between reality and performance blur.
“I want to feel like the Valkyrie descending from the sky. It’s all about those story moments.”
When Lorem steps onto the stage, an otherworldly transformation begins. Transporting the audience into the middle of a role-playing video game, her intention is to build a larger-than-life narrative. “I want to feel like I’m the villain in a Legend of Zelda game,” she says, her passion tangible. “I want to feel like the Valkyrie descending from the sky. It’s all about those story moments — that’s where I want to be right now [in my drag career].” Whether playing the role of a wounded, knighted dragon prince(ss) or pulling a rhinestone-covered sword from her heart, her work transcends the usual expectations of drag. Even in the effervescent drag community of Salt Lake City, Lorem Ipsum finds herself both a part of it and somewhat on the fringe. “I think drag in Utah is very interesting because it’s a little bit more alternative,” she says. “People here, especially in the local scene, are not afraid to experiment.” While Utah’s drag scene may not yet stand in recognition as larger cities of either coast, Lorem sees this as an opportunity for growth in a city that hungers for rebellion against the status quo. “It’s still a place where there’s room for a lot of different ideas and different kinds of people,” she reflects. For Lorem, the local drag scene embraces experimentation and risk-taking, and she has found an authentic space to spread her spiked wings.
But her spikey wings did not appear overnight, they were grown over time. With the support of her friends and fans, the unwavering encouragement of her family came first. “My parents have always supported everything,” Lorem Ipsum notes. Always motivating Lorem to go after her aspirations and creative passions, Lorem Ipsum’s family offered more than verbal support — they showed up. Lorem shares how her family “posted so many shows and pictures of [her] makeup in drag,” even pulling up a photo on her phone of the tattoo her mother proudly got on her forearm of Lorem Ipsum’s distinctive makeup. “My mom is like my number one [supporter],” Lorem says, sitting in appreciation. The encouragement from her family fuels her ambition and reminds her that she is not alone in her quest to break barriers.
“I just want to be a better storyteller.”

As for her future, Lorem Ipsum is already thinking beyond the stage. She looks at her drag journey through a long-term lens, focusing on personal and professional development. “What if I could bring a drag show to someone who can’t go because of access issues?” she wonders. This vision exemplifies how Lorem plans to expand her artistic footprint. She’s in the beginning stages of a project that brings virtual reality to people who cannot experience specific spaces, such as drag shows, due to safety concerns or accessibility challenges. With her background in video game design and education, she is exploring ways to digitize live performances and create new opportunities for people to experience drag from the comfort of their homes. Lorem is also considering returning to school for a PhD, with an eye on gamification and the intersection of technology and education. Her goal is to continue creating art and experiences that break barriers and bring people together, both digitally and in real life.

As Lorem Ipsum takes her audience on a journey through heavy metal riffs and fantastical tales, she leaves them with more than just an unforgettable performance — she offers a lesson in the power of self-expression and authenticity. “I just want to be a better storyteller,” she shares, a sentiment that perfectly encapsulates her approach to drag. Larger-than-life and unbound by convention, Lorem is a bleeding creative who defies expectations while maintaining a refined production value. Her transformation from a friend behind the camera to a heavy metal prince(ss) has been a journey of rebellion, discovery and empowerment.
Lorem Ipsum’s story is far from over, and she invites us to join her as she continues to push boundaries, challenge norms, and craft immersive narratives that captivate and inspire. Whether through her performances, her commitment to innovation or her refusal to conform, Lorem Ipsum is proving that drag is more than art — it’s an act of defiance and a celebration of individuality. And as she continues to climb to new heights, one thing is certain: Lorem Ipsum is here to write her story, and she’s taking us all along for the ride.
Be sure to follow Lorem Ipsum on Instagram at @lor_ipsum to stay in the know of her upcoming projects and performances.
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